- 123 Theater Mgmt
- 42nd Street Workshop Theater
- 47 Street Theater
- 610 Franklin Park Cinema
- 62nd & Broadway Cinema
- 82nd Avenue Theatre
- A Dollar Forty-Nine Theatre
- Acquest Theater Place LLC
- Act I Cinema
- Act III Theaters
- Actors' Summit Theater
- Ada Theatre
- AIDS Theatre Project
- Akron Projectionists Union
- Akron-Canton Stage Employees
- Albany Cinemas 7
- All Westchester Saw Mill
- Alliance-Resident Theatres
- Allred Theaters
- Alpine Theatre
- Ambassador Theatre
- AMC Empire 25
- Amc Entertainment Inc
- AMC Quail Springs Mall 24
- AMC Southroads 20 Plex Thtr
- AMC Theatres
- AMC Theatres
- AMC Theatres
- AMC Theatres
- AMC Theatres Ticket Rsrvtn
- AMC West Market Plaza 7
- American Theatre
- Amherst Theatre
- Angelika Film Ctr
- Aol Cleveland
- AOL Moviefone
- AOL Moviefone
- AOL Moviefone
- AOL Moviefone
- AOL Moviefone
- Aol Repeater No 33
- Apollo Theatre Box Office
- Apple Valley Cinema
- Archbold Community Theatre
- Arena Grand Theatre
- Aronseven Theatre
- Arrowhead Mall 6 Theatres
- Artistic Theater Crafts Inc
- Arts Etc
- Ashland Square Cinemas
- Ashland Street Cinema
- Ashtabula Cinemas
- Ashtabula Mall 6
- Astoria Gateway Cinemas
- Athena Grand Movie Listings
- Athena Theatre Showtimes
- Atlas Cinemas
- Atrium Theatres
- Auburn Movie Plex 8
- Auburn Public Theater
- Audi Theatre
- Aurora Productions
- Aurora Theatre
- Austintown Movies
- Auto Vue Drive-In Theatre
- Avalon Cinema
- Aviation Mall Cinema
- Avon Cinema
- Babylon Theatre
- Bargain Box Ofc Cinema 6 Movie
- Barrymore Theatre
- Bat Theatre Co
- Bath Drive-In Theater
- Bay Drive-In Theatre
- Bay Drive-In Theatre
- Bay Plaza Cinema
- Beacon Drive In Theatre
- Beacon Theater
- Belasco Theatre
- Belfield Theatre
- Bellmore Movie Theater
- Bess Pruitt Assoc Inc
- Bessie Schonberg Theater Box
- Big Picture
- Bijou Art Cinemas
- Bijou Theater
- Bijou Theatre
- Biltmore Theatre
- Bison Twin Theaters
- Blackfriars Theatre
- Blue Light Theater Co
- Bollywood Movie & Music Store
- Bombay Theatre
- Booth Theatre
- Botno Theatre
- Boulavard Centre Movies
- Brandon 2
- Bridge Stage Of The Arts
- Brighton Theatre Guild
- Bristol Pastime Theatre Fndtn
- Bristol Valley Theatre
- Brixton Square Cinema
- Broadhurst Theatre
- Broadway Metroplex 4
- Broadway Multiplex
- Broadway Theater
- Broadway Theater Archives
- Broadway Theater Institute
- Broadway Theater Institute
- Broadway Theater Newsletter
- Bronxville Cinemas
- Brookhaven Multiplex Cinemas
- Brookhaven Multiplex Cinemas
- Brooklyn Center Cinema
- Brooklyn Ctr-Performing Arts
- Brooklyn Lyceum
- Brown's Broadway Twin
- Brown-Holt Productions
- Bucyrus Little Theatre
- Bucyrus Little Theatre Box Off
- Buffalo Drive-In Theater
- By-Jo Theatre
- C J's Movie House
- Cable Car Cinema
- Cache Cinemas
- Callicoon Theater
- Campus Cinema
- Canandaigua Theatres
- Cannes Cinema
- Capital Theatre
- Capitol Cinema 5
- Capra Cinemas
- Capra Cinemas
- Carmel Movieplex 8
- Carmike 10 Business Office
- Carmike 8
- Carmike Cinema
- Carmike Cinema
- Carmike Cinema
- Carmike Cinema VIII
- Carmike Cinemas
- Carmike Cinemas
- Carmike Cinemas Business Ofc
- Carmike Cinemas Inc
- Carmike Cinemas Twin
- Carmike Stadium Cinema 9
- Carnation Mall Cinema
- Cascade Cinema
- Castle Cinema
- Catskill Mtn Foundation Movie
- Catskill Mtn Foundation Movie
- Center Cinema
- Center Cinemas
- Center For Sacred Theater
- Center Theatre
- Central Cinema Theatre
- Central Mall Cinema 12
- Central Plaza Cinema
- Century 10 Cinema
- Century 16 Eastport
- Century Theatres
- Chagrin Cinema
- Chakeres Cinema 10
- Chakeres Cinema 8
- Chakeres Theatres
- Chakeres Theatres Office
- Champlain Centre North Cinemas
- Chautauqua Cinema
- Chautauqua Instutution Theater
- Chelsea Cinemas
- Chelsea West Cinemas
- Chester 4 Cinema
- Chester 6 Cinemas
- Chicago City Limits
- Chillicothe Civic Theater
- Cine 3
- Cine 3 Movie Information Line
- Cine 42nd St Theater Corp
- Cine 60 Motion Picture Eqp
- Cine Magic
- Cinema 100
- Cinema 21
- Cinema 6
- Cinema 69 Theatres
- Cinema 8
- Cinema 8
- Cinema 8 Theatre
- Cinema Art Ctr
- Cinema Buns
- Cinema Center 8
- Cinema City
- Cinema Four
- Cinema I & II
- Cinema I & II Theatres
- Cinema Seven LTD
- Cinema Society
- Cinema South 10
- Cinema Theatre
- Cinema Theatre
- Cinema Tropical
- Cinema Twenty
- Cinema Twin Theatre
- Cinema Village
- Cinema World
- Cinema World
- Cinema World Plaza 8
- Cinemapolis
- Cinemark
- Cinemark
- Cinemark Colony Sq Cinema 10
- Cinemark Imax
- Cinemark Miami Valley Cinema
- Cinemark Movies 10
- Cinemark Movies 10
- Cinemark Movies 10
- Cinemark Movies 12
- Cinemark Movies 12
- Cinemark Ontario
- Cinemark Town-Gates Movies 16
- Cinemark USA
- Cinemark USA
- Cinemark USA
- Cinemart Cinemas
- Cinemas III
- Cineplex Odeon
- Cineplex Odeon
- Cineplex Odeon Cinemas
- Cineplex Odeon Cinemas
- Cineplex Odeon Cinemas
- Cineplex Odeon Cinemas
- Cineplex Odeon Cinemas
- Circle Theater
- Circle Theatre
- Circulo Theater
- City Cinemas Corp
- City Cinemas Corp
- City Cinemas Corp
- City Cinemas Sutton 1 & 2
- City Cinemas Village East
- Civita Colonia Artistica
- Claremore Cinema 8
- Classic Theatres
- Classic Theatres
- Classic Tickets
- Clayton Opera House
- Clayton Opera House
- Clearview Cinemas
- Clearview Rye Ridge Cinema
- Cleveland Cinema/Cedar Lee
- Cleveland Cinemas
- Cleveland Cinemas
- Cleveland Cinemas Tower City
- Cleveland Cinematheque
- Clinton Street Theatre
- CNS Theatres Inc
- Cobble Hill Cinema
- Cocoon Theatre
- Coliseum Theatre
- College Point Multiplex Cinema
- Colonia Theatre
- Colonial Cinema
- Colonial Cinemas Inc
- Colonial Little Theater Inc
- Colony Square Cinemas I & II
- Colony Theatre
- Columbia 4 Theatre
- Columbia Cinema
- Columbia Theaters
- Columbia Theatre
- Columbiana Cinema
- Columbus Theatre & Studio
- Coming Attractions
- Commack Multiplex Cinema
- Concert Theatre
- Concourse Plaza Multiplex
- Connelly Theater
- Continental Theatre
- Cooper Theatre
- Cooperative Theatres Of Oh Inc
- Cornelius 9 Cinemas
- Cort Theatre
- Cortlandt Town Ctr Theatre
- Cosler Charles Theater Design
- Cosmic Theater
- Court Street Stadium 12
- Cranberry Productions
- Crandell Theatre
- Cross County Multiplex Cinema
- Crossgates Stadium 18
- Crossroads Movies 8
- Crosswoods Ultra Screen Cinema
- Crown Gotham Cinema
- Crown Theatres
- Crown Theatres
- Crystal Cinemas
- Crystal Cinemas
- Crystal Theatre
- Curt's Theater
- Custom Theater Solutions
- Cutting Edge Home Theaters